We do your marketing for you.

The Best Marketing Service Available
For Landscapers and Pond Builders

The number one secret? Let us do it for you! Personalized emails, newsletters and FB posts
create consistent messaging and make you look like a marketing professional. Even when you’re not!

Your Pain

Customers purchase when they are ready to purchase—not when you are ready to sell. That’s why it’s important to stay in touch with potential customers. You NEED to communicate with your customers as well. Keeping top of mind is even more important in today’s busy world. People forget your services and offerings after a while and have no idea what else you may provide.

Up to 80 percent of your work can come from current and past customers. They are the ones who know you the best, they have given you money. They trust you. But they need to hear from you. Leads need to hear from you as well. That’s where we come in.

Our Solution

We do what you MEAN to do, but never have time to get done. Customized Marketing done for you, each and every week. Your brand, your logo, your pictures. You see and approve what goes out and everything else is done for you!

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Pondtent gets my email newsletter out consistently on a monthly basis and I have had numerous positive comments from clients about it. I have netted three jobs from it as well, so the price of the service was paid for long ago. That is called return on investment! Pondtent also emails out weekly tips and it continually lets our clientele know we are always here to help them. Pondtent just takes another busy chore off my to-do list and helps generate income.

Brian Hoagland, Hoaglandscape

We have been doing our own marketing which we have had great success with. But there is another way of marketing that takes something that you already have, creates more revenue, and keeps you in front of your customers.

Which is why I’m writing this review.

Being naturally skeptical of trying something new, especially because I don’t know how this stuff works, I sat and watched other pond businesses revenue increase using Pondtent while mine stayed pretty much the same.

For a few years Laura had been sitting patiently watching my indecisiveness on whether to make the leap to use her. It was when a fellow contractor shared his numbers on what Pondtent had created for his business did I get with Laura and go all in.

I could tell when the first “weekly tip” Laura provides had been sent because within an hour emails were coming in. These were from folks that I had talked to a year or more ago that were in my Dead Lead area of my CRM. These were leads that I dismissed and would never call again. After the first 2 weeks using Pondtent I collected deposits for over $8000 worth of work. From DEAD LEADS!

And the emails and calls are still coming in.

Money aside I’ve seen another benefit. I’ve gotten emails from my current clients thanking me for the education they are gaining form the weekly tips they’re receiving. This makes me the go-to for information. I’m the expert.

Pondtent sets my business above others. It keeps me in front of the folks that already like and trust me and lets them knows that I care about them and their ponds.

It keeps in touch with folks that just weren’t ready to buy and lets them know I’m still there when they are.
Thank you Pondtent and thank you Laura. I’m sorry I waited so long

After a month of using Pondtent we were contacted by an existing customer that wanted to add a fountain to their landscape. That one sale more than paid for our year of service. We will surely be renewing our contract!

Alison Biezad, Pondscapes of AZ

We’ve been using the Pond Tent Marketing service for over a year now. It is such a great way to keep in contact with prospective and current clients alike. We’ve sold thousands of dollars of work as a result. Highly recommend Pond Tent….and as an aside, Laura is pretty awesome as well!!!!!

Tara Stohler, Dreamscapes Water Gardens

It’s getting towards the end of the year and Pondtent has only been going for about 6 months now but if we ink this final lead, Swim Pond, we will be in to 6 figures from people responding to Pondtent content! That’s fun to say! Regardless, we have several 10K worth of work because of Pondtent, and the consistency and quality of Pondtent’s marketing is in the process of selling people today, that may not pull the trigger for another 6 months to a year, or maybe next week or tomorrow-but the unrelenting, unobtrusive, quality content ASSURES persistent sales for our company.

What more could you ask for?
It’s a freaking No-Brainer. Sign up for Pondtent!!

Dave Misterly, AquaLife Ponds